It also squeezes the chewed grub into swallowable lumps, pushing them back towards the throat. Meanwhile, the tongue keeps moving the food around, shifting it to the type of teeth that will be best at munching it. It all starts here! Up to 28 strong teeth* chomp your food, breaking it into smaller bits. Let’s follow your food to learn about the brilliant bits of our bodies that make up the human digestive system… Then, the smelly leftovers, along with billions of dead bacteria, are ready to exit the body. On its trip, it’s mixed with acids and digestive juices, and squeezed and squelched until all the nutrients that the body needs are absorbed. It takes around 24 hours for your dinner to wind its way through the nine-metre-long digestive tract.

Follow Nat Geo Kids as we take a journey down through the human digestive system to find out where our grub goes!