
Competitive analysis of google chrome vs internet explorer
Competitive analysis of google chrome vs internet explorer

competitive analysis of google chrome vs internet explorer

Security continues to be one of the biggest problems Web users face. Until Microsoft can address that problem, which it says it will in Internet Explorer 9, those seeking fast browsing should opt for Chrome. In fact, a quick comparison in load times between Chrome 9 and Internet Explorer 8 in my testing reveals that the former consistently opens sophisticated pages more quickly than the latter. But Google Chrome is one of the fastest browsers on the market. For the most part, other browsers are quicker. Getting to Web pages takes longer than it should. Internet Explorer has been criticized over the years for being slow. For novice Web users especially, that simplified interface is extremely important. Chrome accomplishes that by achieving a level of simplicity that Internet Explorer can’t muster. Google realizes that surfing the Web needs to be about getting to sites as quickly as possible without being held back by all the extra fluff. When users first start Chrome, they will find an extremely slimmed down interface. But if the two browsers were to be judged solely on their value to customers, Chrome would already be the dominant force in the browser market.Ĭhrome is simply a better browser than Internet Explorer, even as Microsoft prepares to launch Internet Explorer 9 to take on Chrome 10. Looking ahead, there’s no telling if Chrome can continue its success and supplant Internet Explorer as the top browser in the world. And its growth has been nothing short of remarkable. Now, according to Net Applications, the browser owns nearly 11 percent of the market, putting it behind Internet Explorer and Firefox. The company’s Chrome browser started with little more than a hope at securing some market share around the world. In more recent years, the company that has made the biggest splash has been Google. You never know when any of the browser contenders can make a splash and grab a larger share of the browser market. Even now, with Internet Explorer the clear leader, there’s no telling how the market will change in the coming years. Netscape, Microsoft, Opera, Mozilla, and so many other companies have been vying for dominance in that space. The battle for prominence in the browser market is one that has been going one for longer than most people would like to admit.

Competitive analysis of google chrome vs internet explorer